加拿大VMS Copper Deposit金銅礦尋求中國投資者,該礦位於加拿大BC省,The deposit is known
as a VMS Copper Deposit, meaning a Volcanigenic Massive Sulphide Deposit
which contains Copper and Gold and associated minerals. Needs Exploration
and Development to prove
vastness of Property to bring to mine status. The Recent Geologists Report
and assays are showing this to be a massive deposit. Copper sample of
10+% in more then one spots and Gold assays topping out at 16g/t. If in
need of a complete package of the said Property contact :
聯繫人:Richard Dallibar
sato@sunshinecable.com 1-250-447-9157
( OWNERS 100%, All 50
Units Good Standing )
聯繫人: Ron Ritco sadie48@telus.net
The Property is 3.5km
sq 50 Unit Claims Located 500km East of Vancouver B.C,16km NorthWest of
Grand Forks B.C
Teck Cominco Preliminary